Lena Abrahamsson
Professor and Head of Subject, Chaired Professor, Human Work Sciences, Luelå University of Technology
Speakers who have confirmed their participation in the 2024 symposium so far include:
Professor and Head of Subject, Chaired Professor, Human Work Sciences, Luelå University of Technology
Managing Director, German Marshall Fund Geostrategy North Program
Secretary-General, Arctic Mayors Forum
Former EU Ambassador at Large for the Arctic; IPF Board Member; Senior Fellow, Egmont Institute
Executive Director, Arctic Economic Council
Professor in Security and Geopolitics; Arctic 5 Chair in Security Studies, UiT, The Arctic University of Norway
Founder and President, International Polar Foundation
Norway's Ambassador for the Arctic; Chair of the Senior Arctic Officials of the Arctic Council
Doctoral Researcher, Faculty of Social Sciences, Arctic Centre, University of Lapland
Ambassador, Senior Arctic Official for Kingdom of Denmark, Danish Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Rector, Lapland University of Applied Sciences
Professor, Industrial Engineering and Management, Luleå Technical University
Junior Researcher, Arctic Centre, University of Lapland (Finland); Acting Managing Director, Arctic Youth Network (Canada)
Senior Arctic Official, Ambassador, Arctic Affairs, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland