Dates of Arctic Futures and Arctic Shorts Announced, Trân Award Call Launched

by International Polar Foundation

Kirkenes, Norway on a snowy day - Photo by Michelle Maria
Kirkenes, Norway on a snowy day - Photo by Michelle Maria

The dates of this year’s Arctic Futures Symposium and Arctic Shorts Film Evening have been formally announced. The call for applications for the 2nd annual Laurence Trân Arctic Futures Award has also been launched.

The 14th annual Arctic Futures Symposium will take place on Tuesday, November 28th and Wednesday, November 29th at Town Hall Europe near the European Parliament in Brussels' EU Quarter. The programme will include topics such as Arctic governance and cooperation in light of the current geopolitical climate, security issues, youth concerns, Arctic communities, fostering the Green Transition in the Arctic, and energy security. The full programme will be posted on this website as the symposium draws near.

Additionally, the call for submissions for the second annual Laurence Trân Arctic Futures Award have been opened. Young entrepreneurs 35 and under who are living in the Arctic are encouraged to apply for the 7500 award to assist a young entrepreneur or startup advance their business to the next level. The winner of the award will be invited to attend the Arctic Futures Symposium to present their project and take part in a panel discussion focused on Arctic communities.

The award is financed by the Tran Family Foundation and is managed by the International Polar Foundation. A jury of experts from across the Arctic from organisations specialised in fostering entrepreneurship among youth will select the winning candidate based on criteria stated on the application page of this website.

And of course the ever popular Arctic Shorts Film Evening at BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts in Brussels will return for its 5th edition the evening of Monday, November 27th just ahead of the start of the symposium.

Please check this website regularly for updates on the symposium and its side events!